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Artur Piekarczuk, D.Sc., Civ. Eng.

Artur Piekarczuk, D.Sc., Civ. Eng.

Building Research Institute (ITB)

Artur Piekarczuk Professor at the Building Research Institute and Head of Department of Building Structures, Geotechnics and Concrete. Author of monographs, handbooks and industry manuals and more than a hundred scientific articles published in national and international journals, including several from the Master Journal List. Participant of several dozen scientific conferences related to the discipline of civil engineering and transport. Academic teacher, supervisor of dozens of engineering and master’s theses, reviewer of habilitation and doctoral theses as well as publications and scientific papers. Supervisor of doctoral and postdoctoral research internships. Member of the Committee of Civil Engineering at the Polish Academy of Sciences and of the Technical Committees at the Polish Committee for Standardisation, member of the Scientific Board of the Building Research Institute. Specializes in numerical calculations using the finite element method, graphical modelling and vision measurement techniques including three-dimensional scanning.


An ETICS wall can undergo irregular deformations due to climatic influences. The location and measurement of these deformations are difficult due to the large observation area and the technical conditions of measurement. Classical methods of deformation control using linear gauges, for example, are difficult to implement and not very accurate. For the observation of large surfaces and precise measurements, optical measuring techniques including 3D scanning can be used. Three-dimensional digital imaging, using laser scanning, makes it possible to map an object with high accuracy. This paper presents pilot measurements of an ETICS wall using 3D laser scanning techniques. A wall model was observed with an EPS insulation layer and a single separated mineral wool fire protection strip. The model was subjected to cycles of climatic influences. Deformation measurements were taken after specific stages of thermal and moisture exposure. By superimposing the images of the object obtained before and after the climatic influences and applying numerical inspection techniques, it was possible to obtain qualitative and quantitative changes in deformation concerning the entire field of observation. As a result, measurable changes in the topology of the wall surface were observed.

Wszyscy prelegenci

Jacek Michalak, Ph.D.
Polish Association for ETICS (SSO)/Atlas sp. z o.o.

Daniel Dudek, Ph.D., Civ. Eng.
Instytut Techniki Budowlanej (ITB)

Aleksandra Mazurek, M.Sc., Civ. Eng.
Instytut Techniki Budowlanej (ITB)

Małgorzata Niziurska, Ph.D.
Łukasiewicz research network - institute of ceramics and building materials (ł-icimb)

Piotr Pawlak, M.Sc., Civ. Eng.
Association of Mineral, Glass and Rock Wool Producers (MIWO)

Vladimír Vymětalík, Ph.D., Civ. Eng.
Czeskie Stowarzyszenie ETICS

Artur Piekarczuk, D.Sc., Civ. Eng.
Building Research Institute (ITB)

Zuzana Sternová, Prof. Ph.D., Civ. Eng.
Technický a Skúšobný Ustav Stavebný, n.o. (TSUS) Slovak Association for ETICS

Marta Strapková, M.Sc.
Slovak EPS Association

Ladislav Valeš, M.Sc., Civ. Eng.
Valeš Somp S.R.O


Members of the association